sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

Fievel: An American Tail

For those interested, here are a few links to help contextualize the life and times of the Mousekowitz family:
When Fievel arrives in New York City, he sees the Statue of Liberty being built by a French pidgeon. In reality, the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French. Fievel and his family have to pass through immigration at Ellis Island. (Today, over 100 million Americans can trace their family history back to Ellis Island.) The sweatshop where Warren T. Rat tries to force Fievel to work, and the fire at the docks, may be allusions to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which until Sept. 11, 2001, was the largest industrial disaster in the city's history. The fat mouse in a top hat who registered dead mice to vote for him is a reference to the Tammany Hall political machines in New York.

For more about the making of Fievel, click here.

Think about this as we discuss the movie: What would Fievel: An Argentinean Tail look like? Where would Fievel go? What historical and cultural events would he run into in Buenos Aires?

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