jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Fiesta Halloween

Alright, you already know, but

Costume Party!! Fiesta de disfraces!!

Tonight, Friday, Oct. 31

@ Wadoo Wadoo Cantobar, Calle 54 Número 632 e/ 7 y 8.

22hrs - pizza, beer, live music, CD pre-release of Charly's "Musical Travel Journal"
Right after that - Karaoke
~2 am - baile: hip hop, electrónica, etc etc etc

Any questions, concerns, comments, queries? chuckabbo@gmail.com or 011-3251-9018

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Attendance Make-up Day

Just a reminder...  

We're having our attendance make-up day this Friday, that's 10/10 at Antares on calle 56 entre 11 y 12.  We'll be there from 19:30 to 21:30.  You don't have to buy anything to eat or drink if you don't want to, just come hang out!

Any questions?  Email Charly or Kristal.